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Grow Your Vision

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  • Appropriate: As a vendor agnostic MSP and VAR, we can typically work with your existing mix of technologies and/or propose right-sized upgrades that are optimized to fit your unique business.

  • Flexible: Our carefully curated solutions are offered individually or in a custom bundle so you can fill in just the pieces needed to meet your goals. If needed, our business technology consultants can help you identify what those missing pieces are.

  • Secure: Our products, services, staff and internal processes are designed to be secure and compliant from end-to-end.

  • Responsive: We strive to be available to our clients on-demand so we can get started addressing issues as soon as they occur - including same-day onsite tech support as needed.

  • Trusted: We're a privately owned Colorado company with a proven track record, so we don't have to worry about outside interests getting in the way of doing what's best for our clients.

  • ResponsibleWe believe in sustainable and honest business practices, as well as supporting our community at every level.

Going beyond the status-quo in computer and network support can be hard to do, especially for small businesses:

Impatient businessman watching his wrist

  • Productivity suffers when the help desk is too slow to respond, or takes too long to resolve computer issues.

  • Risks to cyber-related threats are increased when problems are 'fixed' by non-experts

  • IT costs are higher than necessary due to a lack of automation and inefficient internal processes.

Our focus is on minimizing risk while maximizing value for your unique business. 

Augment your Existing Technical Support Team with Expert Collaboration and Consultation

Our technical service desk plans provide you with a powerful combination of award winning support tools and all the knowledge and experience of our certified pros. Because having the right technical help at the right time can make all the difference in the world.


More, we can set up your chosen team members with a web dashboard to leverage our tools and monitor and assist your users or hand-off any issues they like. 

Some of our client's IT admins enjoy passing off help desk issues, while others like to handle the everyday problems themselves and just use our advanced team for escalations - while still others prefer to have us handle all of their security, support and network maintenance needs. Flexibility to adapt to your changing needs over time, is one of our most valuable features. Let's talk about your challenges and what we can do to help.

Experienced and Certified Computer and Network IT Support Resources

Our advanced and onsite tech support and network engineering teams are experienced at providing root cause analysis and remediation plans for both cloud and on-premise network and server issues that affect your performance, resilience and security. 

Beyond even that, when it comes time to consider major configuration changes, migrations or new hardware deployments, we will get your project planned and executed by our IT Consulting and Project Management team. Their specialization gives them a depth of insight into concerns for migration and deployment scenarios that can be of great value to your project - especially when engaged early on in the planning process.

How does our tech support model differ?

Secure Processes to Reduce Risk:

  • Assistance is provided from secure systems over encrypted networks only.

  • All support account credentials are unique and randomly generated.

  • Any admin access required by our technicians requires dual factor authentication

  • Admin access is provided via a least privilege, just-in-time admin model.

  • Privileged access and system changes are all logged for posterity.​

  • All support is backed by cyber-security certified Colorado based technicians.

Policies that Maximize Value:

  • Our tech support comes in three tiers so issues are resolved quickly and efficiently.

  • Any unused tech support time automatically rolls over from month-to-month.

  • Response times as quick as 15 minutes to begin remediation of critical issues.

  • We don't charge for the time spent learning more about technologies that we support.

  • Billing for support time is per minute rather than being rounded to nearest 5 or 15.​​

  • Best practice checks are included with every recurring support plan.

  • Best-in-class, next-generation Network Border Protection through our firewall or resilient high-availability clusters with load balancing and automatic fail-over between multiple WAN internet connections where applicable.

  • End-to-end encryption from anywhere with remote access and VPN solutions.

  • Secure gigabit Wifi networks with onsite survey and deployment.

  • Email server protections:

    • Spam and malware filtering

    • Smarthosting (outbound email filtering)

    • Email encryption

    • Email continuity service - cloud email server keeps email flowing with web access when outages are detected on your production email services.

  • Mobile corporate smartphone and device protection
  • Multi-Factor Authentication implementations.
  • Internal and external vulnerability scans.

  • Comprehensive Network Security analysis/audits.

  • User cyber-security awareness training.

  • Secure on-premise or in cloud terminal or application servers.

  • Dedicated cloud based syslog server for searchable retention of event and access logs.

Beyond the above considerations, no data protection strategy is complete without a top rated and professionally configured and monitored hybrid cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery Solutionas well as comprehensive endpoint protection like our enterprise anti-malware/anti-virus solution which combines with inventory, ticketing, change management, logging, alerting, auditing, and remote management tools that make up our Cloud Armor solution.

Do I Really Need to be Worried about Cyber-Threats to my Business?

Your biggest risks are those you don't know about. Don't wait to get your network security assessment

‌Cyber-Security related threats are increasingly more complex and more costly to businesses everywhere.

We're specialists in protecting Colorado companies from the damage caused by the rising threat of advanced malware attacks.

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